SIP-adus Workshop 2022
Event outline

With the objective to further develop, implement, and promote automated driving technologies, SIP-adus Workshops have been held yearly since 2014. This year, as the final year of the second phase of SIP, the workshop was held over 4 days in Kyoto, Japan in cooperation with Doshisha University. Through panel discussions (with experts representing the US, the EU and Japan), sessions on the latest research and state of progress of each theme, poster exhibitions, the introduction of automated vehicles, etc., we were able to summarize our efforts and disseminate them throughout the world. The workshop was attended by 487 participants, including 99 researchers from 18 overseas countries and regions. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to these participants and to all those who offered their support and cooperation in making the workshop a great success!
From next year, SIP’s objectives, achievements, and activities will be carried on by the Mobility Innovation Alliance Japan.
Note: All Plenary Sessions will be available on-demand (registration required) from November 8, 2022 to January 27, 2023 (extended).
- October 11-13, 2022
- Kyoto, Japan
Doshisha University (Hardy Hall, Kambaikan):
Plenary Session(October 11-12) ANA Crowne Plaza Kyoto:
Breakout Workshop(October 13) *Invitation only
Session Topics
Regional Activities
Introduction of regional activities regarding automated drivingDynamic Map
Standardization and harmonization of dynamic data using Dynamic MapConnected Vehicles
Trends in Cooperative Driving AutomationSafety Assurance
V&V Methodology for AD safety assuranceHuman Factors
Human factors for safe automated driving: past and futureImpact Assessment
Social Impact of Automated Driving technologies
As of September 28, 2022
*Special Panel Discussion (invited only) will be held on 0ct. 10 (Mon.)
Abstracts and Speakers
- Abstracts and Speakers List
Poster Session
- Poster Session List
- Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Program, Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
General Incorporated Association, Mobility Innovation Alliance Japan
Doshisha University
Joint Event
- Mobility business innovation contest (M-BIC)
Automated Driving Business Idea Contest for Students
Monday 10 October 2022 The Interim Presentation Session
Saturday 10 December 2022 The Final Review Session
Presentation Materials
- Presentation Materials