SIP-adus Workshop 2020
Event outline

SIP-adus Workshop 2020 virtual conference period ended in a great success with 76 top experts from 11 countries and 1,152 participants from 29 countries and regions over the web. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all participants and to the people concerned for their warm support for making the virtual conference possible.
SIP-adus would continue its activity pursuing the enhancement of the international network.
We look forward to welcoming you again on November 9 - 11, 2021.
Video On-Demand Streaming:
The full SIP-adus Workshop 2020 program, which was available on demand from December 14, 2020, ended on January 4, 2021.
Thank you very much for your participation.
- November 10 - 12, 2020
Conference theme
SIP-adus Status Report Meeting (November 10)
Utilization and exchange of data for implementation of Society5.0
Development and utilization of traffic environmental information
Toward realization of safe automated driving
Society with automated driving for universal servicesOnline Symposium (November 11, 12)
- Speakers List (as of November 9)
[SIP-adus Status Report Meeting (November 10)]
Utilization and exchange of data for implementation of Society5.0
Building a cyber-physical space for the systems based on road traffic environment data and utilization and collaboration with the data in various fields toward the realization of Society 5.0
Development and utilization of traffic environment information
Building and utilize a service platform based on map information built with automated driving, such as map update using vehicle probe information and traffic congestion prediction
Toward realization of safe automated driving
Efforts to realizing a safe automated driving society, such as FOT on public roads, construction of safety evaluation technology in virtual space, countermeasures against cyber attacks on automated vehicles, safety education methods for drivers
Society with automated driving for universal services
Communication(HMI ; Human Machine Interface) between people and automated vehicles, estimation of the effect of reducing traffic accidents by automated driving, and fostering public acceptance of automated vehicles
[Online Symposium (November 11, 12)]
Regional Activities
Efforts for near future deployment of Level 4 automation seem to be focused on mobility services of people and goods provided by transportation operators. Under the limited complexity of driving environment, safety of Level 4 automation will be maintained, integrated with enhancement of both physical and digital infrastructure, and well structured operational strategies. Legal and regulatory framework, impact assessment and public acceptance are major remaining issues. Regional and national leaders will address challenges they are tackling and share their policy directions and initiatives with the audience.
Service & Business Implementation
This session, used to name "Next Generation Transport", will change its title to "Service and Business Implementation" from the coming SIP-adus Workshop, focusing on the challenges and activities for the early implementation of vehicle automation in public transport and freight services.
Risk mitigation and Improvement of Acceptance in Last-mile automated driving vehicle will be discussed in this session including from the view point of vulnerable road users. New concepts of road and city structures may be one of the solutions for these issues.
Dynamic Map
Share the world latest examples of dynamic contents distribution/exchange with Dynamic Map and discuss the direction for further international collaborations and the possibility for the utilization of latest technologies.
Connected Vehicles
Over the past year, the environment for connected vehicles has significantly changed globally. I would like to have a workshop to understand the situation of each regions that changes drastically and to consider the future of Cooperative Connected and Automated Vehicles.
Safety Assurance
In March/2020 ALKS regulation was agreed in GRVA and the next step was started to be discussed. However the practical and comprehensive safety assurance framework has not been globally harmonized yet and the innovative methodology needs to be established. Especially the scenario DB and testing strategy like three pillar approach, which is test truck, real world, virtual, are the key of globally harmonized testing framework. In this session, the global experts who are leading the industry, research, and government project share the progress of the activity and figure out what the residual challenge, which needs the consolidation of global experts’ efforts.
We are focusing on the IDS evaluation-guidelines and the collecting and saving methods of threat intelligence for the connected and automated driving vehicles. This session will report the current status of those activities by the experts of automotive industry, IT industry, and academia in each region. The importance to cooperate with each industry and academia will also be discussed to realize secured cybersecurity for connected and automated driving vehicles.
Human Factors
Human factors and Human Machine Interfaces are important factors to consider in designing and evaluating the automated driving systems in terms of safety. Presenters in this session will introduce activities for standardization, regulation and evaluation related to human factors and HMIs.
Impact Assessment
Diffusion of automated driving vehicles (ADs) will help to reduce traffic accidents, alleviate traffic congestion, resolve the driver shortage, and resolve other social problems. On the other hand, ADs are necessary to be installed with adequate consent by people and society.
In this session, experts (from academia) will address views, issues, impacts and challenges on AD’s diffusion and then discuss future directions on installation of ADs to the society.
- Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program, Council for Science,
Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Supported by ITS Japan
Presentation Materials
[SIP-adus Status Report Meeting (November 10)]
Opening Session
- Welcome Speech: Shinji Inoue (Speech Only)
- Keynote Speech-1: Diana Elizabeth Furchtgott-Roth (Speech Only)
- Keynote Speech-2: Patrick Child (Speech Only)
- Keynote Speech-3: Seigo Kuzumaki (Speech Only)
Session 1: Utilization and exchange of data for implementation of Society5.0
- Status Report Meeting-1: Yasuyuki Koga
- Status Report Meeting-2: Naoki Iso
- Status Report Meeting-3: Noriyuki Hayashi
Session 2: Development and utilization of traffic environment information
- Status Report Meeting-4: Masato Minakata
- Status Report Meeting-5: Masafumi Kobayashi
- Status Report Meeting-6: Toshimasa Nakagawa
- Status Report Meeting-7: Hirokazu Ichikawa
- Status Report Meeting-8: Norifumi Ogawa
Session 3: Toward realization of safe automated driving
- Status Report Meeting-9: Yoshiaki Tsuda
- Status Report Meeting-10: Naoki Suganuma
- Status Report Meeting-11: Hideo Inoue
- Status Report Meeting-12: Ken Okuyama
- Status Report Meeting-13: Makoto Itoh
Session 4: Society with automated driving for universal services
- Status Report Meeting-14-15: Seiya Hamada & Kousuke Watabe
- Status Report Meeting-16: Tatsuru Daimon
- Status Report Meeting-17: Makoto Itoh
- Status Report Meeting-18: Hideyuki Kanoshima
- Status Report Meeting-19: Akito Adachi
- Status Report Meeting-20: Yukiko Miyaki
- Closing Speech: Tateo Arimoto (Speech Only)
[Online Symposium (November 11, 12)]
Opening Session
- Welcome Speech: Akira Sudo (Speech Only)
- Keynote Speech-1: Diana Elizabeth Furchtgott-Roth (Speech Only)
- Keynote Speech-2: Patrick Child (Speech Only)
- Keynote Speech-3: Seigo Kuzumaki (Speech Only)
Regional Activities
- Regional Activities-1: Takashi Oguchi (Moderator)
- Regional Activities-2: Yoshihiro Suda
- Regional Activities-3: Keisuke Shimono
- Regional Activities-4: Nadège Faul
- Regional Activities-5: Henriette Cornet
- Regional Activities-6: Martin Russ
- Regional Activities-7: Timo Woopen
- Regional Activities-8: Jeffrey Arch
- Regional Activities-9: Richard Bishop
- Regional Activities-10: Momoko Hyodo
Service & Business Implementation
- Service & Business Implementation-1: Masayuki Kawamoto (Moderator)
- Service & Business Implementation-2: Adriano Alessandrini
- Service & Business Implementation-3: Makoto Itoh
- Service & Business Implementation-4: Masayo Takahashi
- Service & Business Implementation-5: Lam Wee Shann
- Service & Business Implementation-6: Yurie Toyama (Moderator)
Dynamic Map
- Dynamic Map-1: Satoru Nakajo (Moderator)
- Dynamic Map-2: Hiroyuki Inahata
- Dynamic Map-3: Yoshiaki Tsuda
- Dynamic Map-4: Matthias Unbehaun
- Dynamic Map-5: Jean-Charles Pandazis
- Dynamic Map-6: Satoru Nakajo (Moderator)
Connected Vehicles
- Connected Vehicles-1: Norifumi Ogawa (Moderator)
- Connected Vehicles-2: Christian Rousseau
- Connected Vehicles-3: John Kenney
- Connected Vehicles-4: Kevin Dopart
- Connected Vehicles-5: Shinichiro Ebara
- Connected Vehicles-6: Yoshinori Aoki
- Connected Vehicles-7: Norifumi Ogawa (Moderator)
Japanese Government
- Japanese Government-1: Junji Kikushima
- Japanese Government-2: Masahide Hatakeyama
- Japanese Government-3: Hirokazu Igarashi
- Japanese Government-4: Kenji Ueki
- Japanese Government-5: Masahiro Nishikawa
- Japanese Government-6: Yoshitaka Tada
Safety Assurance
- Safety Assurance-1: Satoshi Taniguchi (Moderator)
- Safety Assurance-2: Matthias A Hein
- Safety Assurance-3: Frank Johannes Gruson
- Safety Assurance-4: Stefan-Alexander Schneider
- Safety Assurance-5: Biagio Ciuffo
- Safety Assurance-6: Gil Amid
- Safety Assurance-7: Roland Galbas
- Safety Assurance-8: Hideo Inoue
- Safety Assurance-9: Satoshi Taniguchi (Moderator)
- Cybersecurity-1: Shigeru Uehara (Moderator)
- Cybersecurity-2: Nishant Khadria
- Cybersecurity-3: Robert Shein
- Cybersecurity-4: Shigeyuki Kawana
- Cybersecurity-5: Tsutomu Matsumoto
- Cybersecurity-6: Shigeru Uehara (Moderator)
Human Factors
- Human Factors-1: Satoshi Kitazaki (Moderator)
- Human Factors-2: Oliver Carsten
- Human Factors-3: Matthew Avery
- Human Factors-4: Satoshi Kitazaki (Moderator)
Impact Assessment
Exhibition Panel
[Cabinet Secretariat]
[Cabinet Office]
- 01_SIP-adus (automated driving universal service)
- 02_Research and Development of SIP Part.1
- 03_Research and Development of SIP Part.2
[National Police Agency]
- 01_Visualization of the traffic accident reduction effect
- 02_Provision of traffic signal information and Control of traffic signal
[Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications]
- 01_Optimized Processing for Dynamic Road Information by V2X with Multi-Scale Architectur
- 02_Study of Communication Technologies for Use by Automated Driving Systems
[Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry]
- 01_Smart Mobility Challenge
- 02_Research on recognition technologies necessary for automated driving (levels 3 and 4)
- 03_FOT for social implementation of the last mile mobility system by automated driving and connected vehicles in dedicated zone
- 05_Safety Assurance KUdos for Reliable Autonomous vehicles: SAKURA Project
[Road Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
[Road Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]